Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Driver License in Dallas

Why do we need a CAR/Driver License?

In USA, one cant live without a vehicle as it is the basic necessity for each home. Also the local buses doesnt cover all the roads in a particular city. Anyways, near my home the bus facility is there but inorder to get to the office daily, I need to catch a bus and then a train. Incase we need to go to some other place, we might need to go for multiple hop-over the public transit. It would be better if you have a CAR and ofcourse, the driver license for driving.

How to get the driver license?

I couldnt find a website with proper details for getting the driving license. After exploring it is found that first we need to get a IP (Instruction permit) like Learner's license in most of the countries. Once we get the IP, we can join in some driving school and obtain a license after learning.

How to get an IP first?

We have to go through the written exam, vision test in the Dallas Public Safety office. The materials for the written exam is provided at http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/

Note : This is only for the Texas state.

Go through the DL Handbook and it would hardly take 2 days for an average reader.

Process for acquiring IP:
1. We can give the exams only at 2 offices in Dallas. (Details in the above link)
2. How to get there?
- Get to the park lane station
- Get the 428 Bus, bound for South Garland Transit Centre and get down at Jupiter Road intersection on NorthWest Highway.
- AT the intersection itself, you can see the Dallas Public Safety office.
3. The office opens at 8.00am and they start allowing people inside from 7.45 am itself.
4. Documents required for verification (21 yr or older)

- Passport and SSN (U.S Citizen),
- Passport (VISA), SSN, Employment verification letter for others.

All these details you can find in the DL handbook.

5. Once verified wait for your turn and there will be vision test followed by the basic knowledge test on the computer.

6. Once you have taken 70% and cleared, you will be issued an Instruction permit. The exam is not that tough or difficult to attempt.

7. Please have a cash of $5 for application fee. This application is valid for 90 days and you can give the exam thrice within 90 days.

Now you have the rights to drive (learning) with a licensed driver (21 yr or older) on the other end.

Once I get the drivers license itself, will put further details fo the same.


Anonymous said...


Have you recieved you driving license , could you just forward me the other steps to get them.

my mail id is idcmurali@gmail.com


Sakthiganesh said...

Once we have the IP, if you already know driving in India then it would be advisable to join 1 days class (it would take 60-80$) in some driving school. They will take you there where the actual driving test happens normally and give you a proper practice with respect to the test.

If you dont know driving earlier, possibly it would take 3-4 classes in total for learning properly. I have learnt driving in Dallas Driving School.

How would the test be?

On the day of exam, we have to go early in the morning with the car to the Public Safety Transportation office. The office normally opens at 8am but the queue will be there from 6am to get the early slots. Once you are in, you will be asked for your IP and then fill some details. You will be provided with a slot number and a form(exam paper).

Then everyone on the parking area, will be standing with their car in that particular order. First one person over there, will check whether all the lights, indicators, breaks, insurance everything are in place. Then once your slot comes, the examiner will get into the car. He might ask you some small questions, as in, incase of emergency what do you do? press the brake? turn just the ignition? not the engine.like that.

Then he will ask you to do a parallel parking and then take car from there and get on to the road. Residential road, Main street, sub-urban roads etc. While driving on the road, watch out for the speed limit and maintain within that and always watch over all the mirrors in the car. You have to do a lane change on the main road. He examines you on each of the things, like when you are turning on indicators, applying brake, looking on blind spot, etc etc.

Once you are back into the parking lot, you might be needed to come in reverse. Once all done, your exam paper is given with marks, if you are more than 70 you are through. Its time to drive out now !!!!!